Parish Council Meeting January 2025
Toller Porcorum Parish Council
Key discussions and decisions from the Parish Council meeting, Wednesday, 15 January 2025, are below:
Public Democratic Forum
Two residents described a community health initiative they would like to introduce to the village to help residents with health knowledge and healthier lifestyles. They sought Parish Council support for three small events involving health professionals, with plans to collaborate with Ammonite Health Partnership and Village Hall Trustees. The Council endorsed the initiative.
A resident highlighted that Dorset Council spends £100,000 annually addressing fly-tipping issues. They suggested increasing the annual Household Recycling Centre permit limit from 6 to 12 visits as a potential solution. The Dorset Councillor present agreed to investigate this idea and report back.
Dorset Council Report
Regional Mayoral Councils:
Plans for a Wessex regional council (comprising Bournemouth, Poole, Christchurch, Wiltshire, Somerset, and possibly Swindon) were discussed. This council may oversee areas like transport, housing, skills, and economic development. Details regarding management of other services and Parish Council links remain unclear.
Council Tax Increase:
Dorset Council is expected to increase Council Tax to the maximum allowed by central government.
As of 2 January 2025, Parish Council reserves and balances total just over £16,000.
20mph Speed Limit Proposal
The Council discussed reducing the current 30mph limit to 20mph. Evidence suggests lower speeds reduce serious injuries, but community support is essential. Informal canvassing of residents will occur before approaching Dorset Council. Share your views with your local Councillors or via email ([email protected]). This topic will also be discussed at the Annual Parish Assembly in April.
Condition of Barrowland Lane
Despite a full resurfacing in summer 2024, significant potholes and surface damage have reappeared. The Dorset Councillor engaged senior Highways Officers, and repairs began as of 21 January. The Parish Council will continue to advocate for permanent, high-quality repairs.
Powerstock Bridge
Design and planning to remove the bridge and raise road levels are underway. These works require planning permission and Ministerial approval.
Environment and Rights of Way
Reports of two previously dog-friendly stiles no longer being dog friendly were submitted to the Dorset Countryside Service, however, as dog-friendly stiles are not mandatory, no action will be taken. Aother broken stile was also reported..
The Parish Council agreed a response to Dorset Council’s Climate and Nature Emergency survey.
Trailway: Toller to Maiden Newton
Dorset Council has conducted land valuations on two sections of the old railway line.
Defibrillator and CPR Training
The Parish Council agreed to fund a defibrillator training session at the Village Hall. The date and time will be confirmed, and all residents are welcome to attend.
Emergency Planning
An updated version of the Parish Emergency Plan was agreed upon. Once fnalised, residents are encouraged to print a copy and store it in an accessible location.
Recreation Ground Working Group
An application is to be submitted to Thatcher’s Cider for 10 apple trees to establish a community orchard. Residents are encouraged to share their ideas for the Recreation Ground - see the latest edition of the Toller Times.
Ammonite Patient Participation Group
A volunteer is needed to deliver prescriptions from the Tunnel Road surgery. Interested individuals can contact Chris Wardle ([email protected]).
Next Meeting
The next Parish Council meeting will be held on Wednesday, 12 March 2025, at 7pm in the Village Hall.
Contact Information
Clare Smith
Find Toller Porcorum Parish Council
c/o 3 The Briars, Wool, Toller Porcorum, Dorchester, Dorset, BH20 6NA